Speaking English has become a struggle for most non-native speakers. 

Oops...This will affect their pay grade, promotion, social status, and most importantly their immigration opportunity. The struggle is real for most. 

The traditional way of learning will not solve this problem. But still, the majority of the population of the subcontinent finds it difficult to improve on English.

You can't be fluent in 5 minutes. It takes consistent work and exposure.

5 Reasons why your English Tutor will not help you with your fluency,

English is a language, not another subject. It can not teach you like math but unfortunately, most places do teach like it is another subject.

  1. Too much emphasis on Grammar.
  2. No study on culture, history, and ethics of native speakers and speaking places.
  3. No recommended Tv programs, movies.
  4. No exposure to practical circumstances.


1. Background radio podcasts

You have to use the internet radio to listen to native speakers. Don't need to understand what they say.

Just switch on the radio and do your work. The goal is not to listen, YES YOU HEARD ME!!. Just allow them to hear in the background. In my experience,

 I think this would be the best method to improve your speaking.

Hack: Don't try to listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Few Native Podcasts Listed below.....

  • This American Life
  • Scientific American Podcast: 60-Second Science
  • Freakonomics Radio
  • Here’s the Thing
  • Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast

2. Start to Listen to English songs, Thousands of them.

You have to keep listening to English music. If you are a beginner, I would recommend artists like Brian Adams, Bruno Mars, West life, Backstreet Boys.

It is important to understand the lyrics of these artists if you don't know, google it. By doing this you will gain access to more vocabulary and also your mind starts to notice some patterns in the English language.

3. Start to watch movies and TV shows

This is a great medium to learn the language. It is important to adapt to different accents and at least understand 70% of the conversations. otherwise, you will get bored.

4. Reading Novels, Newspapers.

This is another way to improve your vocabulary and your understanding of basic grammar rules. 

I would recommend books like God Father by and most of the J K Rollings books. If you are a bookworm, This is the best way to improve your English.


Listening to music in another language. This will not help when you are trying to learn English. Especially when you are at the beginning stages. 

You have to give up your local language quite a bit. Reading Local Newspapers, Teledramas, Movies.

Until you get Fluent you have to stop doing these things